Healthy Diets
'The wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings.
Let food be your medicine.'
We can heal ourselves... by giving the body the food it needs to heal itself... Nutritious food!
What does the body need? It isn't most of what is offered in the supermarkets, these days. The body is made up of cells. Each cell is a building block and needs the adequate "fuel" to stay healthy and function the way it was intended to function.
Changing our diet is not easy. It requires determination and changes in very basic habits. Doing small changes, step by step. A healthy diet will surely bring positive changes to the way we feel.
In order to start a healthy diet you will need to work out a strategy.
Most of us are used to our 'bad' habits. We enjoy it. Our taste buds have a craving for the old ways. Changing everything at ones will most probably, lead to failure. Small steps... and moving slowly gives the body the time to adjust.
Also read:
How to break bad habits. Do each step for one month before going on to the next step. It takes 30-60 days to break out of a bad habit... take it easy and enjoy the way.
If the goal is to lose weight... I can assure you, that by changing your diet and eating the food your body really needs, will automatically bring you closer to a healthy body weight.
A good place to start
A healthy diet is not counting calories. It's not deprivation. On the contrary... it's giving the body all the nutrients it needs to be energetic and full of life.
Start with:
This diet is amazingly rewarding - in short time you will see changes in energy levels and your general well-being... just like that!
No more migraines, no more bloating and weight loss... and plenty of energy!
Freshly pressed juice made from raw (unprocessed) fruits and vegetables, provides the easiest and most effective way of providing high quality nutrition to the body.
By juicing, we can take in the nutrients and enzymes from nearly 15 pounds of produce every day, in a form that is easy to digest and absorb.
Your body pH reflects how healthy we are... Balancing the intake of Alkaline and Acid Forming Foods - balancing the body pH, is a major step toward well-being and greater health.
The Macrobiotic Diet includes cooked foods. It is based on whole grains and vegetables according to the yin-yang concept. The macrobiotic way is to approach sickness by restoring a condition of harmony and balance. It is more than a diet, it is a way of life.
The Gerson Therapy - developed by Dr. Max Gerson - is a diet treatment that activates the body’s extraordinary ability to heal itself through an organic, vegetarian diet, raw juices, coffee enemas and natural supplements.
In my opinion, the Gerson diet is a combination of the Raw Food Diet, Juicing and the Macrobiotic Diet.
It is a therapy... used specifically for recovering when 'almost' all is lost.
What is a Diet for Health?
We need to ask:
What is the purpose of the diet?
Weight loss, heart disease, diabetes, allergies, high cholesterol, IBS, etc...?
There are so many diets out there - and it is all quite confusing...
How can we be sure what is good for our bodies?
We live in an age of instant fixes, the 'miracles' of pharmaceutical, chemical pills have changed our pace. Most diseases and discomforts can be instantly numbed... these are not cures... and the consequences of the side effects are often heavy.
Natural Remedies, such as Dieting and Fasting are, at first glance, far less attractive... it takes some effort and a commitment to changing our life style.
Taking responsibility.
Today, medicine thinks of 'food medicine' as 'home remedies' - and not to be taken too seriously...
Western medicine hardly considers the possibilities of diets - as a real possibility for cures. The dietitian will teach us to count calories for overweight... for cholesterol... fatty products are reduced... but the basics are not really understood.
We have a pill for most pains... the question is how many pills are we willing to take... and how long can we hold up this pace... until the side effects just make us miserable.
We have choices.
We can eat whole and healthy foods - and try to reduce or abstain from harmful foods... What is there to lose?
Let food be thy medicine!
The diet we chose to follow should be balanced and feed the body's cells with nutrients. Most importantly, it should be a diet we can follow for a prolonged period of time.
A diet is a way of life... Whatever your goals (health goals or weight loss), changes in your diet will make a difference. Interestingly, the changes will cross over into other areas of your life (emotional, mental and physical).
When we become sick, we should first to look at our diet...
Health starts with the food we eat!
Recommended Viewing and Reading
Must Watch!
Foodmatters Documentary - Trailer
"Let thy Food be thy Medicine and thy Medicine be thy Food." –
That’s the message from the founding father of "modern medicine" echoed
in the controversial documentary film 'Food Matters' from first-
time Producer-Directors James Colqhuoun and Laurentine ten Bosch.
"With nutritionally-depleted foods, chemical additives and our
tendency to rely upon pharmaceutical drugs to treat what’s wrong with
our mal-nourished bodies, it’s no wonder that modern society is getting
'Food Matters' sets about uncovering the trillion dollar
worldwide “Sickness Industry” and giving people some scientifically
verifiable solutions for curing disease naturally."
healthy diets
Cancer - The Forbidden Cures
For you beautiful people looking for options outside of conventional medicine, this could save your life.
Not what it seems. When I popped in the DVD, I went to the chapters to see what they were. I felt, no, not again... the same old stuff. What a pleasant surprise. I've researched and written about these "forbidden" cures for years.
What a delight to actually see an interview with Rene Caisse. We even see a party thrown for Rene a year before she died filled with people whom she had helped with their cancers.
Harry Hoxsey shows up, and you get to see scenes from a rare movie that Hoxsey himself made in 1957 called 'You Don't Have to Die'. It is so rare, you can't even find a mention of it at the Internet Movie Database.
I loved the research they did on this film. It must have taken years to compile all the archived photos, audio, and films.
They even got Morris Fishbein on film. This is the creep who ran medicine for nearly 50 years. He destroyed many people, many companies, and the damage he did to the health care system of the time killed untold numbers of suffering humans.
However, the Hoxsey affair was his downfall. He was forced to resign after libeling Hoxsey and eventually had to admit that Hoxsey was curing cancer.
The section on Max Gerson was interesting, especially the deja vue section: they borrowed scenes from 'Dying to have Known'.
The scenes they used were the most powerful, the contraposed scenes of so-called medical experts proclaiming that no one has ever been cured of cancer at the Gerson clinic, juxtaposed with patients telling their story.
Finally, you'll see some of the latest advances in alternative therapies, including a physician who is curing cancer with baking soda even after he's lost his license to practice medicine.
For you history buffs, this is a must have.
For you people looking for options outside of conventional medicine, this could save your life.
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